Friday, March 8, 2013

March 8, 2013- WHY NOT?

Wow- it's been forever since I've added anything to this blog-like years! After a few tears last night, I woke up with a rather odd thought-well perhaps not odd- but different for me. I know I have heard this from somewhere else- I just know remember where. Yes it was today-17 years ago that Mom ended her battle with cancer- probably the hardest day in my life- EVERYTHING else has always been defined by that event. Healing doesnt occur in a straight line know this- somedays are better then others. This morning I woke up with a whole new thought pattern- instead of WHY ME? I was thinking- WHY NOT ME?- I am one of the fortunate ones- I spent 23 years with-in my opinion- perhaps the most amazing women EVER! I was given the gift of her- In this world we define time- in the spiritual world time doesn't exist-only the encounter does. I have grown since that day 17 years ago. Somedays have indeed been harder-and I know I have many more tears left-after all I am human. Maybe this is the beginning of a new chapter in my life. I have accomplished much- and I am about to accomplish more as I head back to school this summer- Mom- thank-you for all you have given me. I know you are never really far-as you are in my heart! This one's for you!

Saturday, January 10, 2009's been a while!

I'm so bad for not writing in like.....FOREVER! Life has been interesting, and good and bad at the same time! The economy is in shambles.....I don't like who are new president will be.....ok I'm flat out scared of what will come.......but yet at the same time, there is a peace inside me.

I'm so grateful for what I do havea beautiful family, a wonderful husband who is everything I could have ever wanted.....a 2 wonderful kids that make me proud EVERYDAY! On top of that I now hold a position in my company ( AT&T) that I have always wanted, and am grateful for that........Christmas was quite, and peaceful, of course the fact that I had to work the next day may have contributed to that......New Years was the same........quiet, but content.

Maybe, the older we get, the more content with life we become, I'm not sure, but it sure seems that way.
Anyway, Heather was in her first christmas concert....she reminded me of my Mom. Jonathon played football this fall and had a blast........Eric is doing well and, well I just couldn;t ask for more!

I've added just a few pics from Christmas........Heather got a new bike! Jonathon got a PHONE.....a cell phone, I had no idea that teenagers stopped talking and started texting! Boy did I learn quick!

I will add more soon.....but for now.....just remember....LIFE IS GOOD!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

What a summer!

I can't believe summer is almost over! Jonathon is starting football camp tomorrow, the kids both register for school on Thursday! What a summer we have had......I don't know even where to begin! I should have updated this blog sooner, but I simply haven't had time....... Here are a few pictures of our recent trip to Hannibal.... a kind of impromptu vacation to just "get away"..........The 1st picture is at the Light House on Cardiff Hill where Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn used to play ( of course really it was where Sammuel Clemmons used to roam)

Next we have the famous fence....and in like fashion we have Jonathon "paying Heather to paint the fence!"...........

The last picture here is inside Mark Twain's cave....both my kids absolutlley LOVE caves...........

The trip was a lot of fun we stayed at Clemmons Hotel and of course they have a pool, so every evening was wrapped up with a swim!!!!!

Here are a few pictures of the kids riding bikes, since that is what they seem to be doing almost everyday! Our summer started out pretty low key.....Father's day was pretty relaxed and lots of grilling........however that night Eric got sick again......and this time it continued for a week.........I had enough and took him to the ER.....there they did a CAT scan and decided to admit him for further least we gat a good doctor who was willing to think outside the box......and also bothered to get records from 8 years ago in St Louis.....after many tests I think we finally a a couple diagnosis's......he has 3 ulcers that have probably been flaring up over the past 1-2 years.......but more importantly they were probably caused by SMA syndrome or Superior Mesateric Artery syndrome....kind of hard to explain but it sure answers a lot of questions and makes a lor of sense...( see the link).

Once he got out of the hospital, the 4th of July was upon us.......and this IS Eric's holiday.....he and the kids went down to Dexter to their favorite firework store and loaded up....on the 4th Eric got the hoses ready and cleared the spot, waited for dark and the 1st set that Jonathon and Eric lit.....well lets just say there were fireworks and they came right at hit Eric in the chin and split it open ....back to the ER again.....................

The next day I found out my Dad was in the hospital as well........Jonathon was going to accompany them on their trip to the East Coast but we decided against that due to Eric's illness.....I am so gald that even though he was in the hopsital for more then 2 weeks he is ok now and on the road to recovery!!!!

Like I said it has been one interesting summer, I am still running 30-35 miles a week and looking forward to the Lewis and Clark half marathon. ( I decided on the half...........) I have also added in swimming and weight training 2-3 times a week as well.....I LOVE the swimmong, and I think pretty soon I will be adding some triathalons........I can't wait..........

Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day 2....The Journey!

When we woke up this morning it was pouring! Nothing too unusual, since we have had SOOO much rain this year. After breakfast was made and cleaned up, the sun came out for a little bit, so I took these pictures of the back dexk, it is so pretty. Eric and I have sat in the gazebo as it was storming and it is so peaceful! Our humming bird feeder has attracted at least 3 humming birds that visit quite frequently.

I then decided to get Jonathon to walk the creek with me. Since we got all the rain, I knew it would be high. it was Awesome! Lakota came with us as well..............

Here is the view down the hill.........this makes a pretty good sledding hill in the winter....this is where the kids spent the 1st couple weeks after we moved ! Below is the grassy field leading up to the creek............... and here is the is pretty cool... Perry county is known for all the is Lakota checking out one. the creek was flowing pretty heavy.......It was very relaxing and peaceful. Reminded me of the book I just read Eckhart Tolle's A new Earth Awakening to Your Life Purpose. I am reminded again and again that "we" want to label everything...A tree is called a tree, a creek , a creek....but if we just stop for a moment and enjoy "what is" with out judgement we can begin to see it in a whole new light........... maybe like Lakota see's things...... Jonathon got a kick out of all the caves.......

It was a fun way to spend the early it looks like rain again......time for a NAP!

Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day! We have had a very relaxing weekend so far.....Our 1st long weekend in loooong time with no tournaments to go to, no big projects or plans. Our 1st weekend to just nice!

Here is Miss Magoo posing for the camera as usual at the Marion, IL soccer tournament.

Same tournament.... Jonathon having a face off with the other team.......( we won this game!)

Here is Jonathon playing at his Spring band concert.......he is the short one playing the trombone....he has gotten VERY good this last year....his concert was Awesome! It was pretty funny trying to find him though!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

School's almost out!

I can't believe school is almost out for the year! ( The kids can't wait!) Heather will be attending Camp Curiosity.......( it's basically summer school....but they get to go swimming and go on all sorts of field trips!) Jonathon, well I think he'll be just being a kid for the summer.....( at least we'll see how long that lasts!) I can't believe he'll be in Junior High....I am really starting to feel OLD.......

We have spent the last 3 weekends going to Soccer Tournaments.... the 1st was in Marion Il, then we were at home....this last weekend we played in Cape Girardeau.....Jonathon had a lot of fun and brought home a 2nd and 3rd place trophy.....The Tournament at home was horrible... we had 50-60 mph winds and it was COLD.....the boys didn't play there best... oh well. Heather was a good sport and made some new friends. I brought home a sunburn this last was beautiful.

Jonathon will be playing football in the fall and will be going to a football mini camp at school in July.......

Tomorrow Jonathon will be going on a field trip to the Cahokia Mounds.......he can't wait.......I got a ton of pictures and I'll try to get some posted here soon.

Sunday, April 13, 2008


ok ok.......Heather saw my last post....and demanded I add her video........" fair is fair" she said......and by the way please leave comments if you like! This is a video I made a year or so ago.....Martina McBride is Heather's favorite artist.....I took her to her concert last year....and this song just says it all.......................